Some useful tips

To properly use and ensure the quality of the handmade mattress over time, Dreamco would like to share with you some useful tips to keep your mattress as new and enjoying its benefits as on its first day.

The first and basic functional element for the care of the mattress itself is its correct placement and support. The ideal options, in any case, are the use of a substrate, a special frame, or the classic suitable boards, in which we are careful to choose a sufficient width, thus supporting most of the mattress, without exerting excessive pressure on only small parts of it , thus avoiding his strain. In addition, in the event that we choose boards to support our mattress, then we should make sure that they have a minimum distance of 3 cm between them, so as to allow proper ventilation of the mattress.

When it comes to cleaning our mattress, we should avoid using steam or liquid, as the temperature and humidity can irreparably damage the inner material. It would be good to contact a specialist professional, so as to avoid causing more damage by possibly destroying several qualities of the mattress, trying to clean it ourselves.

For greater confidence in ensuring the cleanliness of the mattress, a good choice is appropriate protectors. Here, however, special attention is required in the selection. The use of plastic, or synthetic covers, which do not allow air to penetrate the mattress, can inert the properties of the ecological materials and destabilize the ideal temperature and humidity conditions, thus creating problems in the hygiene of the mattress, with a possible final result in the destruction of.

Finally, for the best maintenance of the mattress, it would be good to alternate its sides every 3 to 4 months, so that the use is equally distributed on both sides, maintaining the ideal balance and avoiding unilateral strain.

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